Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

Assa Abloy Croatia d.o.o.

Assa Abloy Croatia d.o.o.

ASSA ABLOY Croatia Ltd. is a company within the ASSA ABLOY Group. It has been operating in the Republic of Croatia since 2008. The company distributes products of the ASSA ABLOY Group.



About Metalind


Metalind was fonded in 1996 an currently has 130 employees. Since the end of 2011 we are a part of ASSA ABLOY company, the world’s leading manufacturer of fittings and equipment for doors.


The production programme of Metalind includes steel and aluminium fireproof doors and fire-protection glass as well as special performance doors – security doors, smoke-protection doors, X-ray doors, bulletproof and soundproof doors. Production capacities consist of four production halls with a total area of 10,000 m2. We have our own vehicles and teams for the installation of doors.


We put a strong emphasis on export activities and we have expanded to the markets of EU, Turkey, and Australia.


In 2015 the company adopted LEAN and three of the ISO Standards – ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001.


After completing all measurements, we manufacture unique products and install them ourselves. We maintain the full functionality of all our products. After your call we respond as quickly as possible.


Adresa: Pakračka 6, 43 000 Bjelovar
Telefon: +385 1 6465 120
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