Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju



Project description:

INDICATE LIFE is meeting one of the most fundamental challenges to decarbonise buildings – the lack of data to support policymaking and strategic business decision-making. With INDICATE LIFE the aim is to establish the quality and quantity of national WLC building LCA data needed to create benchmarks, target limit values, and policy action in 5 EU countries.

INDICATE LIFE is the second phase of the initiative and was launched in October 2024, with 22 partners across 8 EU countries, and with national projects in Austria, Croatia, Italy, Luxembourg, and Hungary as a following country. To support the national implementation of the EU EPBD the project will develop the needed WLC data, methodology, propose target limit values, and building blocks for WLC policy design. INDICATE LIFE is Co-funded by the European Union.


The initiative will continue to build on the lessons learned from the INDICATE pilot. The pilot project launched national projects in Spain, Ireland, and the Czech Republic, where WLC data, methodology, and building blocks for WLC policy were developed with the ambition to push for WLC regulation.


INDICATE’S intervention logic includes:
• Development of national methods,
• Data generation (LCA studies of at least 50 cases, representative of the variety of building types in new construction and/or renovation in that market),
• Data analysis and validation to develop benchmarks and propose target limit values,
• Proposal of building blocks for WLC regulation design,
• Stakeholder mobilization and industry engagement,
• Scaling strategy and afterlife plan.

Project duration:

2024. – 2026.

Budget: EUR / GBC Croatia share: 77.553,60 EUR /
GBC Center: 23.497,20 EUR


Building Performance Institute Europe
Conseil pour le Développement Économique de la Construction
Energie et Environnement SA
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Green Building Council Croatia
Green Building Council Italia
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Le gouvernement du grand-duché de Luxembourg Ministère de l'Économie
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
TU Graz Institute ofStructural Design
Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb
ATP sustain
Energy Institute HRVOJE POŽAR
einszueins architektur
Hungary Green Building Council
Austrian Sustainable Building Council
Politecnico di Torino
Università degli studi di Bergamo
World Green Building Council

This project has received funding from the European Union under CINEA.D – Natural resources, climate, sustainable blue economy, and clean energy D.1 – LIFE Energy + LIFE Climate, Grant Agreement No. 101167585. The views and opinions expressed on this website and in documents are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the funding body can be held responsible for them.