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GBPRO Modul 6: Green Building principles in historical buildings renovation

GBPRO Modul 6: Green Building principles in historical buildings renovation

Dana 31.03.2017. godine, petak, održava se šesti modul Green Building Professional edukacije 2017 sa početkom u 08:30 sati u HIS-u, Berislavićeva 6, Zagreb pod nazivom “Green Building principles in historical buildings renovation” na kojem će predavanje održati Carlo Battisti, talijanski stručnjak za obnovu zaštićenih zgrada, LEED AP BD+C & GBC Home AP.

Veliki dio građevina su povijesne građevine, pri čemu se potreba za energetskom obnovom i implementacijom održivih materijala i tehnologija u rekonstrukciji moraju uskladiti sa principima zaštite objekata kao arhitekturne i kulturne baštine neke zemlje. Obnova zaštićenih zgrada mora u buduće uključivati zaštitu kulturnih vrijednosti, biti ekonomski isplative i svakako kvalitetom odgovarati zaštiti okoliša. Na modulu će biti obrađeni i pitanje prenamjene povijesnih građevina. Carlo Battisti, talijanski stručnjak za obnovu zaštićenih zgrada, LEED AP BD+C & GBC Home AP ističe samo jedan od primjera koji će predstaviti na svom predavanju kao i problematiku  projekata s kojima je radio. Jedan od njih je crkva Broerenherk iz 15. stoljeća u nizozemskom Zwolleu koja je prenamijenjena u knjižaru, a koja predstavlja samo jedan od primjera obnove na zaštićenim objektima.


PRIJAVNICA & CJENIK *za sudionike koje žele slušati pojedinačni modul unutar polugodišnje edukacije

Carlo Battisti

Degree in Civil Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan, about twenty years of experience in construction companies, with different roles: technical department, sales manager, project manager and technical director. Master in Management and Organizational Development at MIP, the Business School of Politecnico di Milano. He holds the following professional accreditations: LEED AP BD+C (Building Design & Construction), LEED AP ID+C (Interior Design & Construction), WELL AP, Certified Project Manager IPMA, GBC Home AP and GBC Historic Building AP. Moreover, he owns the USGBC Faculty credentials; this designation recognizes professionals who are highly experienced and knowledgeable on the topics of LEED, green building and/or sustainability. He is also LFA (Living Future Accredited) and founder and facilitator of the Living Building Challenge Collaborative: Italy.

Since 2009 he works as project manager and consultant for sustainable innovation. He coordinated energy audit activities on forty public buildings in the South of Italy (mostly historic ones), on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment (‘Green Communities’ Project). He collaborates with IDM South Tyrol as project manager in the Ecosystem Alpine Technologies – Construction, and with EURAC research, Institute for Renewable Energy as coordinator of the COST Action REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE). He has been also member of the Standard Committee ‘GBC Historic Building’ of the Green Building Council Italy, implementing a certification protocol focused on historic buildings and he is actually consulting the first Italian project pursuing this type of certification.

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