Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

GBPRO Modul 8: Efficient water management / Sustainability in Landscape Architecture

Dana 28.04.2017. godine, petak, održava se osmi modul Green Building Professional edukacije 2017 sa početkom u 08:30 sati u HIS-u, Berislavićeva 6, Zagreb pod nazivom: “Efficient water management / Sustainability in Landscape Architecture” na kojem će predavanje održati: Nigel Thorne, krajobrazni arhitekt te Ivo Andrić, PhD, CE , Assistant professor at University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering,  Architecture and Geodesy.

Naš krajolik je kontekst u kojem sav prošli, sadašnji i budući razvoj ima ili će imati svoje mjesto. Nekad prirodna zelena i plava infrastruktura našeg svijeta mora imati prednost nad lakše priznatim (i bolje razumljivim) infrastrukturama mreže cesta, željezničkih pruga, vodova i komunalnih pomagala. Održiva- ili prilagodljiva – krajobrazna arhitektura je ‘ljepilo’ koje nužno drži na okupu svu težnju za ‘zelenim’ i ‘održivim’ izgrađenim okolišem. Propust prepoznati i bolje razumjeti tu pojavu vodi ka neuspjehu  – ili u najboljem slučaju, samo djelomičnom uspjehu – u svim drugim aspiracijama održivosti.

Stvaranje novih sustava za opskrbu vodom, kanalizacija, sustava oborinskih voda i uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda od samog početaka na održiviji način predstavlja za mnoge zajednice neprihvatljiv napor. Podizanje održivosti u već postojećim sustavima interpolacijom različitih tehničkih i regulatornih mjera je više prikladan pristup. Ove mjere treba primijeniti na različitim razinama koje se mogu definirati kao: domaćinstva (kuće), urbane vodne sustava i watersheds. Cilj predavanja je predstaviti neke od najboljih tehnika, praksa upravljanja i mogućnostima koje nudi budućnost na sve tri razine te otvoriti konstruktivnu raspravu među sudionicima radionice.


PRIJAVNICA & CJENIK *za sudionike koje žele slušati pojedinačni modul unutar polugodišnje edukacije

Landscape Management Consultant (Chartered Landscape Architect); Adjunct Professor, Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture; Past-president, IFLA Europe; Past-president, Landscape Institute (LI, UK); Honorary Member, IFLA Europe; President-elect, the Parks for London Trust.  Nigel is a chartered landscape architect (a Fellow of the LI) specialising in landscape management. He practices as an independent landscape consultant concentrating on contract administration and project implementation but also works part-time for a variety of award-winning landscape architectural practices across the UK and internationally. Currently, he is project managing a £6.2million heritage and landscape investment project for the Royal Parks in London. Although trained in design, he concentrates on the important practicalities of comprehensive engagement with the design implementation process in order to maintain design integrity and to work collaboratively with contractors and suppliers to ensure the highest standards of workmanship. He was elected president of the IFLA Europe at the beginning of 2010 and completed his second and final term in office at the end of 2013. He works and teaches both nationally and internationally and regularly gives talks, seminars and lectures in order to promote the work of the profession around the world.

Assistant professor at University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy at the department for Water management and water protection. Currently, Ivo is teaching courses at University such as Water protection, Waste management, Water supply systems and Hydrology. His scientific work addresses problems in water management in vulnerable karstic aquifers. Some of valuable professional experiences he gathered working in Japan and Austria, having an active role in several international scientific projects. Intense Involvement in the latest ESF project at University: “Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualifications Standards in the field of sustainable and green building with innovative and interdisciplinary development of new Master’s degree program in a sustainable and green building with a focus on the Mediterranean area” enabled cross-skill cooperation and extended work in field of sustainable water management and related innovative techniques and technologies. His work is concentrated on passing on the knowledge to the students and researching new ways in better water and waste management.


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