Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

4. modul Green Building Professional edukacije: Rekonstrukcija zaštićenih zgrada prema principima zelene gradnje – Carlo Battisti

4. modul Green Building Professional edukacije: Rekonstrukcija zaštićenih zgrada prema principima zelene gradnje – Carlo Battisti

Dana 29.01.2016. godine, petak, sa početkom u 09:00 sati u hotelu Esplanade održava se četvrti po redu modul u sklopu 5. generacije Green Building Professional 2015/2016 pod nazivom Rekonstrukcija zaštićenih zgrada prema principima zelene gradnje.

Građevinski sektor predstavlja  40 % ukupne potrošnje energije u Europi stoga je reduciranje potrošnje energije prioritet većine europskih zemalja i formulirano je strategijom „20-20-20“ ; još će rigoroznije uštede biti potrebne u periodu do 2030. godine. Veliki dio tih građevina su povijesne građevine, pri čemu se potreba za energetskom obnovom i implementacijom održivih materijala i tehnologija u rekonstrukciji moraju uskladiti sa principima zaštite objekata kao arhitekturne i kulturne baštine neke zemlje. Obnova zaštićenih zgrada mora u buduće uključivati zaštitu kulturnih vrijednosti, biti ekonomski isplative i svakako kvalitetom odgovarati zaštiti okoliša.

Predavač: Carlo Battisti, Macro Design Studio

Carlo Battisti owns a degree in Civil Engineering and a Master in Management and Organizational Development from the Politecnico of Milan. He is certified Project Manager IPMA (International Project Manager Association) and member of IPMA Italy. He is LEED AP BD+C and GBC Home AP (the Italian equivalent standard of LEED for Homes).  He has acquired a 20 years long experience in several Italian construction firms, with different roles. He has worked for Habitech, Distretto Tecnologico Trentino (Italy) – the founding member of Green Building Council Italy – as Program Manager of the Business Unit on Sustainable Materials and Construction Products. He has also launched the web site ‘greenmap’ (first Italian on-line database of LEED compliant products). He has coordinated energy audit activities on forty public buildings in the South of Italy (mostly historic ones), on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment (‘Green Communities’ Project). He actually works as sustainable innovation consultant, mainly with TIS Innovation Park, the South Tyrolean public innovation agency, where he manages R&D local and European projects in the field of constructions, also regarding the renovation of historic buildings. He is also member of the Standard Committee ‘GBC Historic Building’ of the Green Building Council Italy, that is actually implementing a certification protocol focused on historic buildings.