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Better Build Green – campaign which focuses on the UN climate change negotiations

Better Build Green is the World Green Building Council’s new campaign which focuses on the UN climate change negotiations – COP21 in Paris.

The campaign aims to show the world that green buildings offer one of the best and most cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and help keep global temperature rises within the two degrees limit.

The message is simple: not only had we better build green if we are to reach a two-degree world tomorrow, but we are better off today if we do.

The campaign will highlight green buildings’ key role in reducing emissions and creating economic and societal benefits.

It will also draw attention to Buildings Day – the first ever day dedicated to the building sector and its contribution to tackling climate change at COP, led by France, UNEP, WorldGBC and other partners.

The campaign will also highlight WorldGBC’s global collective commitment for COP21national commitments from Green Building Councils and corporate commitments from Green Building Council members – which will be unveiled at Buildings Day.