Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

GBPRO 4 Module: Sustainability, Cradle to Cradle® and Beyond / Green Sports Buildings

GBPRO 4 Module: Sustainability, Cradle to Cradle® and Beyond / Green Sports Buildings

Dana 24.02.2017. godine, petak, održava se četvrti modul Green Building Professional edukacije 2017 sa početkom u 08:30 sati u HIS-u, Berislavićeva 6, Zagreb pod nazivom “Sustainability, Cradle to Cradle® and Beyond / Green Sports Buildings” na kojem će predavanje održati:Peter Luscuere, Inspired Ambitions / prof. mr. sc. Boris Koružnjak, Arhitektonski fakultet.

Ovaj modul će obraditi sljedeće teme: osnove održivosti,  energija i eksergija, učinkovitost i djelotvornost, održivost i Cradle to Cradle®. Predavanje se temelji na konceptu Cradle to Cradle® te će biti primijenjen na 5 resursa: energiju, zrak, vodu, materijale i tlo. U sklopu ovog modula polaznicima će biti predstavljeni ključni parametri o različitim održivim uredskim rješenjima, uključujući razvijanje programa „zelenog ureda“, kao i dobivanje međunarodno priznatih certifikata zelene gradnje za poslovne zgrade. Sportske građevine su osnovna pretpostavka i najvidljiviji dio svake sportske aktivnosti. Svojom pozicijom, oblikovanjem, tehnologijom izgradnje, upotrijebljenim materijalima te procesima djelovanja i korištenja, bitan su element, faktor, čimbenik u utjecaju na održivost okoliša kao i energetsku učinkovitost. Komparativna analiza nekoliko specifičnih sportskih dvorana u Hrvatskoj bazirana na kritičkom preispitivanju projektnih programa, urbanističkim, ekonomskim i ekološkim pokazateljima o realnosti namjene i kapaciteta uz sagledavanje mogućnosti kadrovskog i financijskog potencijala investitora u optimalnom gospodarenju pokazuje sav nesrazmjer u primjeni principa održivosti. 


PRIJAVNICA & CJENIK*za sudionike koje žele slušati pojedinačni modul unutar polugodišnje edukacije

Prof. Ir. Peter Luscuere van Van Heugten , Royal Haskoning.

Peter Luscuere is Professor at Delft University of Technology and visiting Professor to Tianjin University in China. The research of his group is focused on: Climate design, Sustainability, Circular Economy and Exergy. As director at Royal Haskoning he was responsible for the company’s work in Health Care as well as developing a companywide Cradle to Cradle® inspired program on sustainability. In 2010, he established an independent consulting business Inspired Ambitions, while continuing his academic work. He developed a holistic approach ‘Beyond Sustainability’ in which renewability for all basic natural resources: Energy, Water, Air, Top Soil and Materials is investigated and confronted with consequences on: Ecology, Economy and Equity. Momentarily he is chairing the Transition Pathway Circular Economy within the Roadmap Next Economy, a project with Jeremy Rifkin for the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague.

BORIS KORUŽNJAK was born 1955 in Zagrebu. He graduated at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in 1979 and since then has been continuously employed there. In 2000 he received a master degree with thesis ”Residences for Senior Citizens Analyzing the Examples of the Retirement Homes in Zagreb”. In 1989, 1992 and 1993 he worked in Vienna (bureau ILBAU – G.m.b.H.) and Stuttgart (bureau Laage & Partner and Behnisch & Parner).  In 1993 he opened an architectural design studio, ARK, with Gordana Domić.  He is a member of HKAIG since 1999. and since  2008.  of Croatian Chamber of Architects.  Boris was associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb since 2008. ,then member of the Committee for the registration of architects in Croatian Chamber of Architects from 2007 to 2008.  Then, Boris was Assistant dean for financial administration at the Faculty of Architecture from 2003 to 2007.  From 2007 to 2011 he was Head of Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture.  From 2011 to 2016 he was a dean at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb. Since 2013  is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Consultant – leading architect of International commission COWI-IPF for assessing the value of architectural and urban project of Cultural and Sports Center in Mostar (WB7-BIH-SOC-05) in 2013 – 2014. From 2014 to 2016 he was a President of the Commission for the Sports Construction and Environment at Croatian Olympic Committee. Since 2014 – Member – visiting professor of the International Committee UAUIM for the graduation exams at Ion Mincu, University of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Bucharest . Since 2015 he is  Advisor to the Rector of the Zagreb University (for the spatial development of the University). He has exhibited several times his works at solo and group exhibitions. As a lecturer, he participated at many professional and scientific conferences in Croatia and abroad. With the work of education and scientific research that focused on the research of the model of housing for the elderly and the standard model of sports facilities, he is an author and co-author of numerous awarded architectural competitions and realizations of housing, office, health and hospital buildings, sports and educational facilities as well as interior design projects.

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