Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

Održavanje 8. modula Green Building Professional – “Financijski aspekti zelenih zgrada, financiranje zelene gradnje, fondovi i poticaji (nacionalni i međunarodni)”

Održavanje 8. modula Green Building Professional – “Financijski aspekti zelenih zgrada, financiranje zelene gradnje, fondovi i poticaji (nacionalni i međunarodni)”

Dana 19.03.2015. godine, četvrtak, sa početkom u 09:00 sati u hotelu Esplanade se održava osmi po redu modul u sklopu 4. generacije Green Building Professional 2014/2015 pod nazivom  “Financijski aspekti zelenih zgrada, financiranje zelene gradnje, fondovi i poticaji (nacionalni i međunarodni)”.

Ovaj modul predstavit će zadnje analize i istraživanja o procjenama vrijednosti zelenih zgrada i trendovima na tržištu, popunjenosti, premijama iznajmljivanja za zelene urede; analizirat će troškove, rizike i prednosti ugrađivanja održivih tehnologija i materijala u zgrade, te dati sliku zakonodavnih zahtjeva i zelenih inicijativa koje pokreću Vlade diljem svijeta. Drugi dio modula bit će usmjeren na poticaje za zelenu i održivu gradnju koji postoje u RH i povlačenju sredstava iz fondova EU.


  • Victor Branagan, Sustained

is the principal of SustainEd and has extensive experience in business with particular emphasis on social and environmental sectors. See for details. Recently, he worked as the Director of the Green Business School within Green Works, a large government funded programme that delivered courses on sustainability to those looking to up-skill to meet the emerging green economy.  He has worked as a consultant, business advisor, mentor, facilitator in countless businesses in all sectors of the economy. He has designed, delivered and evaluated many social enterprise programmes with local authority and partnership involvement.

Victor has twenty years of experience in education and training and combines this with his interests in entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Victor holds a Masters in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from Blekinge Tecniska Hogskola, Sweden and a Masters degree in Entrepreneurship Management from the University of Limerick. He lectures on the Sustainable Business module on the International Business degree programme in the Irish American University, the only such module in the country. He enjoys making all sorts of things down on the small farm he owns in County Kilkenny and when in Dublin he dances his socks off with the Dublin Dance Co-op, a group of ‘5 Rhythm’ enthusiasts.

  • Tamara Perko, Unicredit Group, Zagrebačka banka

Tamara Perko, MSc attended  Elementary and Secondary school in Pula and  graduated at Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Finance. In 2008 she received her Master of Science degree, majoring in Accounting, Auditing and Finance. Tamara is also licensed investment advisor at the Croatian Association of Financial Analysts and a Green Building Professional.

In 2001 Tamara started working in Zagrebačka banka  firstly in Investment Banking, Capital Markets department and later in Financial Advisory and Structured Finance. Since 2006 Tamara is in managerial positions, first as a Head of Corporate and Structured finance in Investment banking and since 2009 as a Director of Business Centre for Real Estate in Corporate banking. In 2012 she takes over the Specialized financing department which is focused mostly on projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

  • Kristina Cappucci, Unicredit Group, Zagrebačka banka

diplomirala je Međunarodne odnose i diplomaciju na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Trstu 2004.godine, a 2007. godine magistrirala je Europske studije na renomiranom College of Europe u Belgiji. Pitanjima Europske unije, s posebnim naglaskom na financiranju malog i srednjeg poduzetništva iz EU fondova, bavi se gotovo 10 godine. Radila je na brojnim međunarodnim projektima financiranim od strane EU te UNDP-a, a u Zagrebačkoj banci od 2013.godine radi kao stariji specijalist za EU fondove na EU desku. Kroz brojne inicijative koje uključuju pružanje savjetodavnih usluga, edukaciju te izravno informiranje klijenata, kao dio dinamičnog tima, Kristina je aktivna u poticanju klijenata Zagrebačke bake na maksimalno iskorištenje prilika koje proizlaze iz europskih i nacionalnih izvora.