Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

Razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija za zelenu gradnju

Razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija za zelenu gradnju

The project “Development of Professional Competencies for Green Construction” embodies an innovative approach to addressing the key stakeholders’ group issues, encompassing two innovative components: a new approach to learning and the integration of green construction learning content into higher education programs. This novel learning approach manifests through interdisciplinary informal education at the university level, enhancing students’ awareness that their choice of educational content cultivates competencies for their future roles and career management, effectively aligning with the demands of today’s job market. The newly introduced educational content adopts a holistic perspective on construction (building) throughout its lifecycle, integrating sustainable development by acknowledging the ecological, social, and economic aspects of construction based on technical criteria.

The main aim of the project is to create a connection between civil society organizations and faculties at the University of Zagreb, with the goal of developing an interdisciplinary informal education program specifically designed for graduate students. This initiative ensures the nurturing of a group of young professionals equipped with the necessary professional competencies for pursuing careers in the field of green construction.

In addition to creating a socially beneficial learning program in green construction, the project’s implementation will ascertain the feasibility of integrating green construction into formal university-level education. Consequently, this proposed project serves as a pilot aimed at identifying all prerequisites necessary for the swift and efficient transition of the socially beneficial learning program in the field of green construction to transition more quickly and efficiently from informal to formal education systems at the university level.

The project will involve 40 graduate students from various faculties of the University of Zagreb, who will acquire practical knowledge and skills to execute projects in the field of green construction, enabling them to address social problems related to inefficient consumption of natural resources and energy, waste generation, and carbon dioxide emissions. With the acquired competencies, students will be able to create healthier, more comfortable, and more productive work and living spaces that are energy-efficient, economically viable, and environmentally and human health-friendly, contributing to community development.

The project has received official support from the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences (HATZ), recognizing its value and contribution to modernizing educational programs, as well as from the Cities of Ivanić Grad, Karlovac, Pazin, Sveti Ivan Zelina, Velika Gorica, and Zagreb, which have also supported the project by providing access to necessary information to enable the analysis and offer solutions to identified local community needs through student work.

The project coordinator for the „Razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija za zelenu gradnju“ is the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers (HIS) in partnership with the Croatian Green Building Council, Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, and University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry. This project will connect top experts and institutions from various fields that share a common vision and values of green construction.

Operational Program “Efficient Human Resources” under priority axis 3: Education and Lifelong Learning.