Prva godina SMAFIN Expanded projekta završila sastankom u Bukureštu
U Bukureštu je održan konzorcijski sastanak projekta SMAFIN Expanded, na kojem su se okupili partneri iz Bugarske, Grčke, Rumunjske, Slovenije i Hrvatske kako bi raspravili
The SMAFIN Expanded project aims to continue the methodology of roundtable discussions to promote sustainable investments initiated by the previous SMAFIN project and leverage past efforts. To achieve this goal, a stakeholder network will be established to enable the participation of key actors in consultations and dialogue and to disseminate knowledge about European Union practices in financing energy efficiency, particularly in the broader Balkan region.
The project will support the implementation of smart financing for investments in energy efficiency in private and public buildings, commercial spaces, and small and medium enterprises. It will also work on improving political processes through the development of guidelines for effective and mature recommendations. This will be achieved by encouraging private investments through smart financial tools and efficient guarantees available to policymakers and financial institutions, with a special focus on the five participating countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Romania, and Slovenia.
SMAFIN Expanded plans to organize 15 National Roundtables in the participating countries over the next three years. These roundtables will serve as forums to bring together European policymakers, national government entities, regional authorities, financial institutions, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), homeownership associations, industry and construction sectors, as well as consumer advocacy and citizen organizations.
933.157,70 EUR / GBC Croatia share : 86.884,00 EUR
The consortium of the SMAFIN Expanded project consists of eight international partners from public, private, and non-profit organizations. All involved organizations have extensive experience in various European projects.
U Bukureštu je održan konzorcijski sastanak projekta SMAFIN Expanded, na kojem su se okupili partneri iz Bugarske, Grčke, Rumunjske, Slovenije i Hrvatske kako bi raspravili
U sklopu projekta SMAFIN Expanded, 28. veljače 2024. godine održan je prvi sastanak Nacionalne radne grupe (NWG) u prostorijama Zagrebačke burze. Radna grupa okupila je
In October, the implementation of the SMAFIN Expanded project has begun. CGBC, along with project partners from five participating countries – INZEB, REGEA, PRO-NZEB, ENEFFECTCONSULT,
The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under Grant Agreement No. 101120412.