Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju

Green Apple Day of Service 2015 – prijavite svoj projekt

Green Apple Day of Service 2015 – prijavite svoj projekt

Green Apple Day of Service 2015  

Green Apple Day of Service će se održati u subotu, 26. rujna 2015. godine. GADS daje roditeljima, nastavnicima, studentima, poduzećima i lokalanim organizacijama priliku promijeniti sve škole u zdrava, učinkovita i sigurnija okruženja u kojima se može puno naučiti kroz lokalne projekte.



Provjerite projektne ideje, saznajte više o korisnim resursima, pronađite događaj na vašem području i registrirajte svoj projekt 2015 danas!

Saznajte više

Kako se uključiti u projekt?

Škole koje su prijavile svoje projekte za GADS 2015 su:


Here are four ways to jump start your Green Apple Day of Service project.

  1. Visit for ideas and resources, and sign up today to host an event in your community!
  2. Take advantage of the quiet time on campus to see what needs to get done. With lighter foot traffic on campus, you can do some great prep work over the summer for a big project in the fall. Scope out potential projects you can lead when classes are back in session.
  3. Come to class prepared to be the star student on the first day of school. Reach out to teachers with resources for introducing education for sustainability directly into the classroom.
  4. Stay cool in your snazzy Green Apple t-shirt all summer long. Sign up to host a Green Apple service project on September 26 or at any point throughout 2015 and receive a discount on Green Apple gear!
Register your 2015 project today »
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