21-22 January 2015; Museum of Science and Industry,Manchester
Vaša prilika da oblikujete zelenu budućnost za Manchester
Savjet za zelenu gradnju Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva će u dva dana konferencije okupiti više od 100 poslovnih lidera u zaštiti okoliša, stručnjaka i dužnosnika iz Manchestrea i Velike Britanije u svrhu pronalaska rješenja i odgovora na buduće izazove te oblikovanja razvojnih mogućnosti grada.
- Sir Howard Bernstein, Chief Executive, Manchester City Council
- Sir Richard Leese, Council Leader, Manchester City Council
- Dan Hill, Executive Director of Futures and Best Practice, Future Cities Catapult
- Paul King, Chief Executive, UK-GBC.
- The ‘big picture’ – Manchester in a global context of mega-trends and drivers
- Introduction to the city – past and present successes and challenges
- Council Leader’s keynote and panel discussion
- Sustainable place-making: case studies from around the world
- Collaborative workshop: creating a sustainable vision for Manchester
- Networking dinner with keynote from Council Chief Executive Sir Howard Bernstein
- City tour – viewing current and future development sites
- Collaborative workshop: Implementing the vision “on the ground”
Odgovore na pitanja zašto sudjelovati, kolika je cijena sudjelovanja, te kako se prijaviti pogledajte ovdje.